2020 First Fly of the Year Event Report

Event Date

January 1, 2020 was......the annual Stetson First Flight Event!

Early on New Year's Day, 22 members gathered at the Stetsons Field for our annual First Flight of the Year.

The temperature was a comfortable 0 Celsius, and we were pleasantly surprised by lighter winds than forecasted. At 9:00, eight electric planes lined up for takeoff, and Nigel Chippindale got the honour of being officially the first one in the air in 2020, earning bragging rights and a small prize (neck warmer). A short time later, Gary Robertson launched his glow powered Twist to take the IC category, unopposed for the second year in a row (we need more glow or gas planes at this event!)

We enjoyed some coffee, Timbits, and Jim Denyer's home made cookies, and everyone had a great time flying and socializing.

Happy New Year to all!

Pierre Coulombe.


5800 Frontier Road, 
Vars, ON, Canada

Google Maps Link



Stetson Flyers Model Airplane Club 
PO Box 91542 RPO Mer Bleu 
Orleans, ON, K1W 0A6 